Sunday 11 August 2013

A Journey

Quickly exiting my current Gossip Girl episode I grab my bags, unplug my phone from the charger, unplug the charger from the plug socket, hastily wrap up the cords and shove them into my perfectly packed brand new leather bag. I pull on the first pair of socks I find, throw the bag strap over my head and run downstairs, Converses in hand. The tightness in my mom's voice is clear as she repeatedly reminds us that we need to go. I grab a coat at the last minute, my fingers fumbling with the fabric that holds the other coats on the hook. I turn before remembering my phone on the stairs, clumsily holding all my belongings in my hands I run out to the car in my trainer-socked feet.
                            * * *

After a slightly anxious and pretty uncomfortable (I was putting on my Converse in the back seat) 5 minute car journey to the station we rush into the foyer tickets in hand and hurry through the ticket barriers.
We half walk half run to the correct platform only to discover our train pulling away...

I could feel the tenseness in my throat rise and I mentally tell myself to calm down as the station officer confirmed that there was no way of getting on that train.
There would be another train in 25 minutes, he said. As I sat down with my brothers at one of the benches overlooking the track, I sighed with a mix of relief and anxiety.
I stare at my train ticket for a full minute trying to find a time or an indication of our train limitations.  After finding nothing but "Off Peak" I turn to my older brother and ask if the next train is off peak and if it is could we go on it. He tersely replies that he would find out.

Only moments later I realise that I don't have my phone. I search my bag somewhat hopelessly knowing that I had my phone in my hand when I last had it. I burst into tears and tell Luke that I forgot my phone and could I use his. He very unsympathetically texts my mum "Georgia forgot her phone". This isn't remotely pacifying, his lack of empathy only fustrates me.

After Luke leaves to find out the validity of our tickets I ask to borrow Connor's phone. I call my mom and tell her and she says she'll come to the station immediately to give it to me.
I run outside and wait anxiously for my mom to arrive. Fiddling with my ticket I watch all the cars coming past mentally saying "no thats not a blue Ford Focus. Nor is that. Deep breaths Georgia. Its okay, you'll get the train. Don't worry.." I don't see my mom's car until the last moment and I run up to it. Just the sight of my mom's familiar face calms me immensely. She hands me my phone and I run back to wait for the train.

Once on the train I begin to relax. My brothers argue about headphones and other stupid things but I won't go into the details because it will give me a headache. Now I lean my head against the window watching the world go by and listening to Thousand Miles by Vanessa Carlton. Seems appropriate.

See you at the ticket barrier,
Georgia xoxo

Tuesday 23 July 2013



I basically have no reasonable excuse for my lack of blogging so I'm just saying sorry. My holidays start tomorrow and from then on I will do AT LEAST weekly blogs :)

Do you still love me? Nah me neither but WHATEVAA

Love you guys
Georgia xxxxx


Sunday 7 July 2013

Quick Update

Hey guys this is a VERY quick update (doing this on my phone) just to say that my new blog name will be..... *cuts invisible ribbon*

Monday 17 June 2013

New blog name? You tell me.

Heya  guys!! I  know its been too long since I've blogged so here it is: the long awaited blog post.

Recently I have been thinking about my blog and how well it represents me as a person (ikr I am soo deep) and I realised that my blog title doesn't I could have instead.

I came up with something and thought, okay thats perfect, lets change it now!!! But then I realised (it was a very realising thought train) that I should ask by followers first. What do you think of my blog name?
Should I change it? If so, any ideas?

So yeah. This blog post is pretty short but I'm hoping it's better than nothing :)

Peace out, guys!
;) Georgia xxxxx

Monday 13 May 2013

The Washing Line Storm

We are sitting at our oak dining room table eating pesto pasta and casually discussing the upcoming events of the week when my mother looks up from her meal and says
"All hands on deck!"

In a spilt second we register the chaos that is the storm outside and the impending tragedy of the clothes still on the line.

We run, pesto pasta left in our midst, no time for shoes or coats.

We force our way out into our cupboard of a garden against the wind which is surely forcing us back.

The washing line is in mortal peril and so are the clothes temporarily imprisoned upon it, we tug and grab, unhook and release the clothes. Our view a bedlam of rain spattered clothes and hands grabbing furiously at the same items as each other.

My stockinged feet chilled to the bone, our polyester school shirts clinging to our winter pale skin.

Cries of surprise and laughter at the ferocity and suddenness of the storm fill the whistling wet air.

The storm still rages on, while the sun shines in the far distance. 

Some retreat inside, unable to take the chill and rain.

Three items left on the line, I can barely take it any more, I grab them, clothes pegs twisted into my hand, tights and a pair of odd socks grasped with my shivering fingers, I run inside to promises of hot chocolate and warm clothes.

Only to discover that I am trapped in my school skirt. Hoorah.

This post is a little different to usual and I would really appreciate your opinion, please let me know if you want me to do more like this.

Sunday 12 May 2013

Liebster Award

Hello you fabulous people!
Today is a good day, sort of.

Anyway the purpose of my post is to tell you that I have been nominated for the Liebster Award TWICE!!!

Thanks to Nina from and Carmen from :)

So these are the rules:

 - Link back to the person who nominated you. 
- Answer the eleven questions your nominees has nominated for you, list eleven facts about yourself and set eleven questions for your nominees.
- Nominate eleven bloggers who have less than two hundred followers and who you think really deserve it.

So first off: the questions, I have 22 to answer. I'll start with Carmen's questions:

Favorite author? Why?
That is a brilliant question although almost impossible to answer. I am more into individual books but I do really enjoy Sarah Dessen's books and I love the fact that almost all of her books are linked in some way. I would definitely recommend getting your hands on one of her books.

Are you a romantic?
I don't think so. I am fairly realistic when it comes to beliefs, I don't dream of handsome princes or happily ever afters but I do believe in God and the Bible so... I guess its a question of opinion. Lets just say that I would never refer to myself as a romantic.

Do you believe in horoscopes?
No way. No more to say except repeat my last point about being a Christian :)

What do you eat for breakfast?
I generally have bran-flakes with muesli and this crunchy oat stuff which is really yummy. Sometimes I have yoghurt with it and I always have half a banana. I also like to have natural yoghurt with honey and crunchy oats but I only have that like once every two weeks.... So yeah, there's an essay on my breakfastorial habits.

A celebrity you find ridiculous.
Nicki Minaj. Need I say more? Just eww. Also Lady Gaga.

Pet peeves?
Too many to name. My little brother chews REALLY loudly and that really frustrates me but seriously I am so easily irritated.

Favorite color?
Purple or turquoise. (Snap Nina!)

If you saw a shooting star, what would you wish for?
I can't tell you or it won't come true!! Well I guess this is hypothetical so... probably to be happy with what I have. I am constantly thinking about what I don't have but I have SO MUCH. So yeah. That.

If you could go to space, would you?
Nah. Earth's pretty cool tbh.

Favourite animal?
Dolphins or giraffes. I love them <333

Sneakers or flip flops?
 That's a hard question. Neither of them really work for winter. But flip flops are so quick to put on so flip flops.

Now for Nina's questions:

1. What is your favourite band(s)?
Taylor Swift. I know she's not a band but WHATEVERRR.

2) Favourite book(s)?
Ewwww what an awful question to ask a reader. I have a feeew:
The Princess Bride Abridged Version by William Goldman - seriously it has EVERYTHING
A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett
The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

3) Facebook, Twitter, or Tumblr?
Facebook because its better for keeping in touch oversees.

4) Favourite school subjects?
Drama. Love love love drama.

5) Future career?
Actress or primary school teacher.

6) How would you describe yourself?
Crazy. Funny. Fabulous. There's no such thing as modest in my world.

7) What would you like to change about yourself?
Nothing. I am fabulous. Well maybe my teeth.

8) If you could have one wish, what would it be?
I can't say >.<

9) Film or book that made you cry?
The Fault in Our Stars and.... A Bridge to Terrabithia

10) If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be?
I don't know. I am conflicted.

11) Political standing?
I am sitting right now. Need I say more?

Now for the facts, I am only going to do 11.

1) I am fabulous. This is a very important part of me.

2) I am a FOREIGNER!!!! :OOO

3) I do cheerleading - I know right, too cool

4) When I was little I pretended to be a teacher for fun (I thought that Miss Tate was the      perfect name)

5) I am the queen of having worst best friends.

6) I am currently single. And have been since... well forever.

7) Taylor Swift is my role model and I think she's gorgeous.

8) I am rubbish at coming up with interesting facts

9) I may or may nor be a boring person

10) I am a qualified girl.

11) I don't have a beard but sometimes I stroke my imaginary one in the hope of looking intelligent.

My Questions for my Nominees:

* Who makes you laugh and why?
*The joke you always tell when joke telling happens?
*Favourite Shakespeare play and why?
*Blue skies and sun or snow?
*Spotify or Youtube?
*Names you want to name your children (come on, we've all thought about it)?
*How old are you and what age do you want to be?
*What are your two favourite food and drink (mine is Banana milkshake and blueberry muffins)
*Teddy/blanket you've had since forever: introduce me to them (e.g. She's called Nellie, she's an elephant etc)
*Pet hates?
*Favourite song at the moment?

Here are some people I've been impressed by, I must admit I don't follow many blogs so many of these were discovered for the purpose of this award.

India @

Hannah @

Danielle and Stephanie @

Airiz @

Charlotte @

Mysterious Person @

Kelly @

Well done guys!! Thanks for being awesome <3

Thank you to Nina and Carmen for the award nominations!!

Much love to all you fabulous people <333

Georgia xxxxx

Tuesday 2 April 2013

Facebook Rant

Okay, as the title suggests, this post is going to be a rant. Mostly about things that annoy me.

I'll start off with Facebook. Annoying statuses.
For example 
     Hailey: "I eat icecream with a fork!! lol I'm so weird" 
I mean seriously? And then TWO pictures, not ONE but TWO pictures of a bowl of ice cream and a fork. Okay, yes that is slightly weird but did everyone need to know?

Or using hashtag on facebook, reeeaally not necessary. Also major abbreviations, no punctuation and misspellings e.g. 
     Pippa: "lol luvin ma bezzie Lou she is so awsum jus chillin and listenin to r fave peeps ur      da best bbc OMD ur face in this pic<3 <3 ;P xoxoxoxoxoxxo #cool #fun #bff #lawlz #haha"  
I'm sorry but these posts make my eyebrows hurt, just please go to school and learn some basic English skills!!

Another thing: complain-y statuses with a 'fml' feel to them e.g. 
     Cathy: "i thought you were special but ur just like everyone else" 
     Pippa: "why do you always do this to me"
     Hailey: "no body loves me cuz im so ugly" 
     Louise (aka Lou): "why cant u just accept me for who i am???"
UGH seriously, this doesn't make anyone feels sorry for you.

Then the MOST annoying facebook thing: duckface aka pouting in profile pictures. Also just profile pictures in general. 
     Cathy: "ily baby xxxxx" as a caption and then in the comments: 
     Louise: "ur so gorgeous hun xxxxx" 
     Cathy: "awww ty bby im reeaally not tho xxxxx"      Hailey: "gorgeous pic Cathy!!! xx" 
     Cathy: "not really but ty xx" 
     Pippa: "your such a beaut I want your hair!!!" 
     Cathy: "no I want YOURS hahaha you are so gorg hun xxx" 
     Pippa: "no seriously I want to cut off your hair and put it on my head xxx" 
     Cathy: "hahaha you seriously don't babe lol"
Okay so first of all WOAH. And whats with the caption?? Who do you love? Yourself?
And then the comments: JUST TAKE THE DAMN COMPLIMENT!!! And clearly you LIKE the picture otherwise you wouldn't have put it on facebook. So then onto the hair thing, okay fair enough you want her hair but
'Cathy' you don't have to say it back to her. 
I hate it when this happens to me, so I comment on a picture
Me: "Gorgeous Cathy!! :)" and she replies 
     Cathy: "awww ty Georgia you are gorgeous too" and I'm like, you and I both know that you don't think I'm gorgeous -_-

Anyway, back to the comments okay that last orange one is kinda creepy and stalkerish and sorta weird.... and then ahving 'hahahaha' and 'lol' in the same comment is OTT. Seriously.

This post was originally supposed to be about all the things that annoy me but I got quite a lot out of just facebook so I'll leave it there :) thank you for reading and sorry for ranting, I hope some of you can see where I'm coming from.

In other news... I have a twitter which I use regularly so feel free to follow me on that and I will follow back if I feel like it ;) (@GeorgiaBhyphenS) and ITS THE HOLIDAYS YAYAYAYAYAY I hope everyone had a great Easter, feel free to let me know about your facebook hates in comments :)

Lotsa lotsa love,
Georgia <3

P.S. Shout out to my new followers: Marine Laronzoe and Carmen Priotto!! Welcome to my humble internet abode ;P 

Friday 22 March 2013

Wannabe Followers

Okay, I know I haven't posted in aaaaagggeeees (ages in case you didn't get that :P) but I have a semi reasonable excuse AND I'll make this one extra full and interesting and Georgia-ry.

First off I have a total of...... ZERO followers but luckily for me, I have a good imagination so I will make up some wannabe followers:

My number one fan is Isabel, she checks my blog everyday for new posts and secretly wants to be me. She desperately wants to contact me and follow me (on blogger not as a stalker) but her dad is extremely strict and bans all kinds of technology and she can only use the computer at school. She's scared that if she makes any kind of connection with me her father will somehow find out and KILL HER!!! (maybe figuratively) So she is my number one wannabe follower.

Then there is Joel, now Joel is Head Boy at his school and possibly one of the most popular boys in his entire county (slight exaggeration) he's very busy with his job as head boy and his other school activities, such as being captain of the football team, so he doesn't think following me would be a good idea because he would become a slave to my blog and would lose all hope in his studies etc.

Then there is Filip he is Portuguese and despite his limited English, he absolutely adores my blog but because he grew up in a very poor family he has little experience of computers and the internet and he doesn't know HOW to follow me as much as he wants to. 

All these situations are of course very sad but you know, these things happen. I just thought I'd give you that very (not-at-all) factual information in case you were wondering about my lack of followers.

Sorreee about the lack of posts recently, I have been super super super busy and I know that everyone says that but seriously. Believe me. Anyways, thank you for being awesome if you are reading this :)))

Danke peeople,
Georgia :P

Oh and a shout out to Stacey my awesome friend who is sitting next to me right now!! :) 

Sunday 24 February 2013

Lack of Books


Okay - I admit it, the post title is kind of a lie but we'll get to that later. First, the pleasantries: I am good, tired because of doing 9-5 rehearsals yesterday and today for the school play *fatigued sigh* but good. And you? . . . . . . . Okay, well I'm glad to hear it... Anyway I'm writing this because I have just realised my dilemma. (It's a double M not mn!! sooo weird <--- check it out)

In our family we go to the library every Friday to rent out a film, I guess it's kind of a tradition, so most weeks I get about 4 books (I read A LOT) and this week I got 5, in the hope that they would last me the whole week but I made a mistake, ALL of my books are either depressing or boring.

One of them is about rabbits. Seriously it's like "then Fiver [a rabbit] scurries down the rabbit hole" etc.
Another is about a town where music is played with secret messages to make EVERYONE perfect (not so much boring as vaguely creepy and depressing).
The one I have just started is about a family being locked in a bunker and running out of food (post-apocalyptic I think)

Then one is called BANG, BANG, YOU'RE DEAD! which pretty much says it all and... last of all "The Haunting of Tabitha Gray"

Yup, I told you it was a depressing collection, so here I am with only a day left of my half term trying to enjoy it with only these books to read!! I would kill for a boring teenage fiction or even a picture book. Ahh well I guess I shall have to try to enjoy reading them or DO HOMEWORK :O *shock - horror* maybe not...

Anyway I guess this was a pretty rubbish post... oh well its not like anyone is going to read it :P
Farewell, fellow internet dwellers,

P.S. I just read that over and it totally sucks... oh well :P

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Salmon Fishing in the Yemen

Hello again!!
I know two posts in one day is overkill but I just watched a seriously good film. Like reaaally top-of-my-best-films-ever list good, not that I have one of those and if I did the top film would be Forrest Gump, closely followed by Les Miserables, but anyway - it was good.

In case you didn't guess by the title, the film that was so good is Salmon Fishing in the Yemen, starring Ewan McGregor and Emily Blunt. 

Okay so first off I love both of them as actors so I was automatically, you know, more interested by it but the story is seriously brilliant and the acting in it is perfect.

The story is basically: this guy who is really sweet but also slightly Asperger-y (reference to film if anyone has seen it) is married and works in some kind of reporter-y place and he secretly loves fishing. He gets asked to look at a story about Salmon Fishing in the Yemen, for any of you who don't know (I didn't) the Yemen is this really hot dry place with very little rainfall and there for just the idea of fishing and salmon there is ridiculous.

So this guy is totally like "um no way, I am not stupid" but he has to go to this meeting with this girl (Emily Blunt - very pretty in case you didn't know) and of course you can tell from the start that they are going to get together. Slight complication is that Harriet (Emily's character) has this Soldier Boy boyfriend and Alfred (Ewan) is married.
So anyway this whole Salmon in the Yemen thing goes ahead and they all live happily ever after la di da di da. I am NOT going to tell you any more because YOU need to watch it, whoever YOU are, if there even is a "you" plural... So far only Nina (totally awesome blogger/friend/fellow-crazy-person click on the link "Nina's Blog" to check out her awesomeness) has read this blog. I think.

Much love to any one who might be reading this and if you are PLEASE leave me a comment so I know that this blog is not totally hopeless, even if you hate it. But be nice. I am still very wittle and innocent okay? ;P

Georgia :P

First. Blog. EVER.

This is my very first blog. Ever.
So please forgive me for it's lackingness. I'm Georgia, I am vaguely crazy and slightly obsessed and have an extremely boring and uninteresting life which I honestly can't imagine anyone wanting to read about but you never know, right?

First up - I'm from South Africa, no I'm not black and yes I was born there. Both my brothers were born there and so was my dad but my mum is from Ireland.

I lived in South Africa till I was four, then I lived in Ireland for a whole TWO MONTHS (ikr - totally impressive) and then moved to England and have lived here since then. So I like to say I've lived in 3 countries and 5 houses but that sounds way more impressive than it is and I bet there are way more interesting people out there, with much more interesting lives and habitorial backgrounds.

So that is my past. Currently I am in year 9 and my favourite subjects are Drama and Geography and I desperately want to be an actress when I'm older. If that doesn't work out I want to teach primary school which probably sounds lame, but I love teaching little kids new things.
So yeah. This blog has been extreeeemely boring for me and anyone who happens to read it but at least I've got the facts down so next time I can just talk. Or write. Whatever.
Anyway, I must be off, my feet are freezing (I am currently sitting in my freezing cold conservatory) and I have nothing else to say.
Georgia :P