Sunday 12 May 2013

Liebster Award

Hello you fabulous people!
Today is a good day, sort of.

Anyway the purpose of my post is to tell you that I have been nominated for the Liebster Award TWICE!!!

Thanks to Nina from and Carmen from :)

So these are the rules:

 - Link back to the person who nominated you. 
- Answer the eleven questions your nominees has nominated for you, list eleven facts about yourself and set eleven questions for your nominees.
- Nominate eleven bloggers who have less than two hundred followers and who you think really deserve it.

So first off: the questions, I have 22 to answer. I'll start with Carmen's questions:

Favorite author? Why?
That is a brilliant question although almost impossible to answer. I am more into individual books but I do really enjoy Sarah Dessen's books and I love the fact that almost all of her books are linked in some way. I would definitely recommend getting your hands on one of her books.

Are you a romantic?
I don't think so. I am fairly realistic when it comes to beliefs, I don't dream of handsome princes or happily ever afters but I do believe in God and the Bible so... I guess its a question of opinion. Lets just say that I would never refer to myself as a romantic.

Do you believe in horoscopes?
No way. No more to say except repeat my last point about being a Christian :)

What do you eat for breakfast?
I generally have bran-flakes with muesli and this crunchy oat stuff which is really yummy. Sometimes I have yoghurt with it and I always have half a banana. I also like to have natural yoghurt with honey and crunchy oats but I only have that like once every two weeks.... So yeah, there's an essay on my breakfastorial habits.

A celebrity you find ridiculous.
Nicki Minaj. Need I say more? Just eww. Also Lady Gaga.

Pet peeves?
Too many to name. My little brother chews REALLY loudly and that really frustrates me but seriously I am so easily irritated.

Favorite color?
Purple or turquoise. (Snap Nina!)

If you saw a shooting star, what would you wish for?
I can't tell you or it won't come true!! Well I guess this is hypothetical so... probably to be happy with what I have. I am constantly thinking about what I don't have but I have SO MUCH. So yeah. That.

If you could go to space, would you?
Nah. Earth's pretty cool tbh.

Favourite animal?
Dolphins or giraffes. I love them <333

Sneakers or flip flops?
 That's a hard question. Neither of them really work for winter. But flip flops are so quick to put on so flip flops.

Now for Nina's questions:

1. What is your favourite band(s)?
Taylor Swift. I know she's not a band but WHATEVERRR.

2) Favourite book(s)?
Ewwww what an awful question to ask a reader. I have a feeew:
The Princess Bride Abridged Version by William Goldman - seriously it has EVERYTHING
A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett
The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

3) Facebook, Twitter, or Tumblr?
Facebook because its better for keeping in touch oversees.

4) Favourite school subjects?
Drama. Love love love drama.

5) Future career?
Actress or primary school teacher.

6) How would you describe yourself?
Crazy. Funny. Fabulous. There's no such thing as modest in my world.

7) What would you like to change about yourself?
Nothing. I am fabulous. Well maybe my teeth.

8) If you could have one wish, what would it be?
I can't say >.<

9) Film or book that made you cry?
The Fault in Our Stars and.... A Bridge to Terrabithia

10) If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be?
I don't know. I am conflicted.

11) Political standing?
I am sitting right now. Need I say more?

Now for the facts, I am only going to do 11.

1) I am fabulous. This is a very important part of me.

2) I am a FOREIGNER!!!! :OOO

3) I do cheerleading - I know right, too cool

4) When I was little I pretended to be a teacher for fun (I thought that Miss Tate was the      perfect name)

5) I am the queen of having worst best friends.

6) I am currently single. And have been since... well forever.

7) Taylor Swift is my role model and I think she's gorgeous.

8) I am rubbish at coming up with interesting facts

9) I may or may nor be a boring person

10) I am a qualified girl.

11) I don't have a beard but sometimes I stroke my imaginary one in the hope of looking intelligent.

My Questions for my Nominees:

* Who makes you laugh and why?
*The joke you always tell when joke telling happens?
*Favourite Shakespeare play and why?
*Blue skies and sun or snow?
*Spotify or Youtube?
*Names you want to name your children (come on, we've all thought about it)?
*How old are you and what age do you want to be?
*What are your two favourite food and drink (mine is Banana milkshake and blueberry muffins)
*Teddy/blanket you've had since forever: introduce me to them (e.g. She's called Nellie, she's an elephant etc)
*Pet hates?
*Favourite song at the moment?

Here are some people I've been impressed by, I must admit I don't follow many blogs so many of these were discovered for the purpose of this award.

India @

Hannah @

Danielle and Stephanie @

Airiz @

Charlotte @

Mysterious Person @

Kelly @

Well done guys!! Thanks for being awesome <3

Thank you to Nina and Carmen for the award nominations!!

Much love to all you fabulous people <333

Georgia xxxxx


  1. Hey Georgia, thanks so much for the award! ^_^
    Cool blog!
    Marian ^_^ x

    1. You totally deserved it!! And thank you <3 I appreciate it.

  2. Thank you so much for the nomination :) Love my new nickname: Mysterious Person haha :D
    enjoy ^^

    1. I am sure your name is even nicer :) and you deserved it :)

  3. Thank you very much, Kelly :)


  5. Just discovered your blog and I really like it, have followed! Congratulations on the awaarrrrrd! xxx

    1. Thanks Mattie, I really appreciate the follow! Will check your blog out now :)
