Sunday 24 February 2013

Lack of Books


Okay - I admit it, the post title is kind of a lie but we'll get to that later. First, the pleasantries: I am good, tired because of doing 9-5 rehearsals yesterday and today for the school play *fatigued sigh* but good. And you? . . . . . . . Okay, well I'm glad to hear it... Anyway I'm writing this because I have just realised my dilemma. (It's a double M not mn!! sooo weird <--- check it out)

In our family we go to the library every Friday to rent out a film, I guess it's kind of a tradition, so most weeks I get about 4 books (I read A LOT) and this week I got 5, in the hope that they would last me the whole week but I made a mistake, ALL of my books are either depressing or boring.

One of them is about rabbits. Seriously it's like "then Fiver [a rabbit] scurries down the rabbit hole" etc.
Another is about a town where music is played with secret messages to make EVERYONE perfect (not so much boring as vaguely creepy and depressing).
The one I have just started is about a family being locked in a bunker and running out of food (post-apocalyptic I think)

Then one is called BANG, BANG, YOU'RE DEAD! which pretty much says it all and... last of all "The Haunting of Tabitha Gray"

Yup, I told you it was a depressing collection, so here I am with only a day left of my half term trying to enjoy it with only these books to read!! I would kill for a boring teenage fiction or even a picture book. Ahh well I guess I shall have to try to enjoy reading them or DO HOMEWORK :O *shock - horror* maybe not...

Anyway I guess this was a pretty rubbish post... oh well its not like anyone is going to read it :P
Farewell, fellow internet dwellers,

P.S. I just read that over and it totally sucks... oh well :P

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Salmon Fishing in the Yemen

Hello again!!
I know two posts in one day is overkill but I just watched a seriously good film. Like reaaally top-of-my-best-films-ever list good, not that I have one of those and if I did the top film would be Forrest Gump, closely followed by Les Miserables, but anyway - it was good.

In case you didn't guess by the title, the film that was so good is Salmon Fishing in the Yemen, starring Ewan McGregor and Emily Blunt. 

Okay so first off I love both of them as actors so I was automatically, you know, more interested by it but the story is seriously brilliant and the acting in it is perfect.

The story is basically: this guy who is really sweet but also slightly Asperger-y (reference to film if anyone has seen it) is married and works in some kind of reporter-y place and he secretly loves fishing. He gets asked to look at a story about Salmon Fishing in the Yemen, for any of you who don't know (I didn't) the Yemen is this really hot dry place with very little rainfall and there for just the idea of fishing and salmon there is ridiculous.

So this guy is totally like "um no way, I am not stupid" but he has to go to this meeting with this girl (Emily Blunt - very pretty in case you didn't know) and of course you can tell from the start that they are going to get together. Slight complication is that Harriet (Emily's character) has this Soldier Boy boyfriend and Alfred (Ewan) is married.
So anyway this whole Salmon in the Yemen thing goes ahead and they all live happily ever after la di da di da. I am NOT going to tell you any more because YOU need to watch it, whoever YOU are, if there even is a "you" plural... So far only Nina (totally awesome blogger/friend/fellow-crazy-person click on the link "Nina's Blog" to check out her awesomeness) has read this blog. I think.

Much love to any one who might be reading this and if you are PLEASE leave me a comment so I know that this blog is not totally hopeless, even if you hate it. But be nice. I am still very wittle and innocent okay? ;P

Georgia :P

First. Blog. EVER.

This is my very first blog. Ever.
So please forgive me for it's lackingness. I'm Georgia, I am vaguely crazy and slightly obsessed and have an extremely boring and uninteresting life which I honestly can't imagine anyone wanting to read about but you never know, right?

First up - I'm from South Africa, no I'm not black and yes I was born there. Both my brothers were born there and so was my dad but my mum is from Ireland.

I lived in South Africa till I was four, then I lived in Ireland for a whole TWO MONTHS (ikr - totally impressive) and then moved to England and have lived here since then. So I like to say I've lived in 3 countries and 5 houses but that sounds way more impressive than it is and I bet there are way more interesting people out there, with much more interesting lives and habitorial backgrounds.

So that is my past. Currently I am in year 9 and my favourite subjects are Drama and Geography and I desperately want to be an actress when I'm older. If that doesn't work out I want to teach primary school which probably sounds lame, but I love teaching little kids new things.
So yeah. This blog has been extreeeemely boring for me and anyone who happens to read it but at least I've got the facts down so next time I can just talk. Or write. Whatever.
Anyway, I must be off, my feet are freezing (I am currently sitting in my freezing cold conservatory) and I have nothing else to say.
Georgia :P