
This page is a collection of quotes, mostly from me but some from other people, if it doesn't have a name after it its from me ;P It will always be unfinished because I will always be adding stuff!!

If you look at the ground you're gonna see dirt.

Three's only a crowd if you're the third wheel.

Be yourself, everyone else is taken - Oscar Wilde

Get that cane out of my face!
It's not in your face, it's in my hand. - Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson

The couple held hands, kissed tenderly and walked off into the sunset.
Unfortunately they burned horribly upon arrival. - @sixthformpoet

Life would be more interesting if I had an Italian accent.

Sometimes I start a sentence that doesn't have an end and hope that the last few words will come to me while I'm saying the first bit.
Often this doesn't actually work.

There was this one time when I was just sitting in my room, watching YouTube videos, when I realised that I was hungry. Then I got some food. The end.

Taylor's advice on how to be great boyfriend: carry your girlfriends groceries.

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