More About ME

This person riiigght here^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ is me, so if any of you were wondering what I look like, there you go. I am BEEEEP years old and I'll just write down my address for y'all:
Stony House
Green Trees Road
There you go, now you can all come visit me at that address right there and in case you ever get lost, I live next to my neighbour.

So in case you guys hadn't guessed I am not going to give out any personal details about myself because I wouldn't want to be kidnapped or any of that shizzle. 

I can however tell you about me in every other way, in 3 words I would describe myself as glamorous, gorgeous and stinkingrich (strinkgrich IS one word!!) nah just kidding, more like exuberant, enthusiastic and ambitious or on the other hand loud, annoying and conceited it really does depend on how you look at me :P

In fact, today (21 Feb 2013) I was described as having pulchritude. I have no idea what it means but it sounds sort of insulting, like something on of the ugly step-sisters would have... I shall look it up. *30 seconds later* Oooh it means beauty!! How perfectly lovely :P so any time you feel like complimenting someone without them knowing - that is the word to use!! :P

In terms of other things about me: my favourite colour is purple, closely followed by turquoise and green, my favourite animals are dolphins and giraffes but I don't have anything close to an obsession, it's not like thats ALL people get me for my birthday or anything, speaking of birthdays, mine is on the 1st of July which I share with my cousin and no-one else that I know. I think that's it, feel free to let me know about yourselves and ask me any questions that you might have :)

So hopefully this page has given you a hint of what I am like and any further personality disorders I have missed you will be able to deduce from my blog posts :)

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