Wednesday 20 February 2013

First. Blog. EVER.

This is my very first blog. Ever.
So please forgive me for it's lackingness. I'm Georgia, I am vaguely crazy and slightly obsessed and have an extremely boring and uninteresting life which I honestly can't imagine anyone wanting to read about but you never know, right?

First up - I'm from South Africa, no I'm not black and yes I was born there. Both my brothers were born there and so was my dad but my mum is from Ireland.

I lived in South Africa till I was four, then I lived in Ireland for a whole TWO MONTHS (ikr - totally impressive) and then moved to England and have lived here since then. So I like to say I've lived in 3 countries and 5 houses but that sounds way more impressive than it is and I bet there are way more interesting people out there, with much more interesting lives and habitorial backgrounds.

So that is my past. Currently I am in year 9 and my favourite subjects are Drama and Geography and I desperately want to be an actress when I'm older. If that doesn't work out I want to teach primary school which probably sounds lame, but I love teaching little kids new things.
So yeah. This blog has been extreeeemely boring for me and anyone who happens to read it but at least I've got the facts down so next time I can just talk. Or write. Whatever.
Anyway, I must be off, my feet are freezing (I am currently sitting in my freezing cold conservatory) and I have nothing else to say.
Georgia :P


  1. OH MY GOD. I'm born in kenya and when i was little people were always like "why aren't you blaaaaaaaaack?"

    1. I totally know the feeling. People are like: "You're not from South Africa." Me:"I am. why can't I be?" and they're like "Well... um.. isn't everyone in Africa really poor and .... um... black?" LOL

  2. Oh my god, I'm half Algerian (from north Africa) and half British and everyone thinks I'm supposed to be black bc my dad is from Africa when in real life, I'm whiter than Edward Cullen.

    how sad.
    i know.


    Anywaaay, it's like mean girls "if you're from Africa, why aren't you black?" we're fabulous.

    1. Thanks for your comment Paris, and yes, we are fabulous!!
